June 26, 2008


Found out today that the baby is still high and I haven't dilated at all, which is great news considering I'm only in week 34! Bad news is that my blood pressure was high, so I have to go back next week to get him to check that and have the group B strep test.

I had the chance to ask him a ton of question, and I felt really good after the visit. I talked with him about having a birth plan, and he said I didn't really need one. I was so relieved! Basically, there are some things that I don't have an option of (like having an IV, for one) because it's classified as "standard care" either with him or the hospital, and other things he'll ask me about, like epidurals and stuff. I told him that I trusted him to make the right decisions and I just feel so much better now that I don't have to worry about stuff I know nothing about. For instance, the whole inducing thing...If I get to the point where medically he needs to induce, he will do it with Pitocin. I was struggling over how to make that decision. So now, poof! Decision made, and I'm fine with it. Everything has positive and negative things associated with it, and I just trust he is going to do everything he can to keep my baby and myself safe. (By the way, my spell check wanted to change "Pitocin" to "Panchito". That sounds way more interesting!)

Puddy is at the groomers today, so I'm going to spend the rest of the day doing laundry, cleaning up, and working on the baby book! Hope everyone is having a great day!

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