September 24, 2008

My Dog CAN'T Kick Your Dog's Ass

I took Delyn and Puddy to my parents house this afternoon for a visit. Puddy really likes it over there because they have a backyard and we let him go out there and run around off his leash. Well, due to Hurricane Ike, my parents lost all of their fence so when I took him out there I had to leash him.

We were walking towards our courtyard when the neighbors dog came running out and attacked my poor little fluffy Pudster. He's okay, but it was the scariest thing I've ever been involved in. The dog was a really huge bulldog mix of some sort and at least three times the size of Puddy. Puddy and I both were caught off guard. The other dog had been tied up with a rope, but the rope was a gazillion feet long and allowed that dog to reach our patio. He was all over Puddy and I couldn't get him off. Poor Puddy was yelping and trying to get away, and this other dog had his back in his mouth. Puddy is lucky that he wasn't hurt or worse. At one point his collar actually was ripped off of his neck without being unattached. I should have dropped the leash so he could run away, but it all happened so fast.

The bigger dog ran in circles around me and gave me some nasty rope burns across my ankle. Puddy was so scared. He has stayed right by my side since it happened. I've looked him all over and he doesn't seem to be wounded in any way, thank God.

So, turns out I was the only one who was injured. AND IT FREAKING HURTS!!!


malaprop4 said...

OMG! Poor Puddy and poor you! That looks really painful. I can't believe that happened!

Tiffanie said...

Ugh. It hurts worse today. The pain kept me awake last night. But Puddy seems fine now.

wilfredo said...

OMG! poor Puddy! poor you!! :( hope it's feeling better!