September 30, 2008

Sometimes I'm Not So Bright

So last night Willie and Jennifer came over for a little while. We were talking about television shows, and we talked a little bit about "Dirty Sexy Money." Willie said something like, "Oh yeah, isn't Peter Krause in that? Yeah, we really like him and I wanted to watch it!"

It wasn't until 10 minutes ago that I realized that he did say "Peter Krause" and NOT "Pierce Brosnan." I know, I'm dumb. Come on! I just thought that maybe Willie and Julie were fans. I don't judge. :)


malaprop4 said...

It's the mom brain. You are losing all ability to understand pop references and keep up with celebrity shit. Pretty soon all you're going to be talking about is "No Child Left Behind," and "How awesome are these baby wipes?" And "oooh, did you see that new stroller? Nice!" : )

wilfredo said...

That's funny! So you were sitting there thinking...."why he fuck to Julie and Willie like some grandpa actor dude so much?? Are they REALLY into James Bond movies?? THAT is seriously funny stuff man!!!! :)

wilfredo said...

Yes, secretly Julie and I are HUGE Pierce Brosnan fans!!!!Don't tell anyone!!!