September 3, 2008

Why Fight It?

I just spent the last three hours trying to get Delyn to sleep. It wasn't as if he was wide awake and just wasn't ready to go to bed, he was soooo tired. He would fall asleep instantly if I rocked him or picked him up, but once I put him down he just wouldn't stop fussing.

Part of the problem is that the kid has gas, and it seems to be really painful for him. Every single time it happens he tightens up and just screams. It breaks my heart because I don't know how to help him. I have him on Soy Formula because he has a sensitive stomach, and I don't know if that's causing it or what.

The other part of the problem is that at night the boy fights sleep. It makes me exhausted just seeing how tired he is, and he will try and try to keep himself awake. Now, you may tell me, "He's only 5 weeks old, there's no way he could do that!" Well, I say, "Wanna bet?" He's MY kid, he's advanced. :)

Everyone who knows me pretty well knows that I went through a really hard time for about the first three to four weeks after Delyn was born. I'm still working through some things, but for the most part I feel like I'm on the right path. If I could give one piece of advice to a first time expectant mother, it would be this: Read every pregnancy book you can get your hands on. They pretty much all say the same thing, and you'll become comfortable with all of the information the more times you read it. Besides, all of that information is basically true and WILL happen to you. Then, read every parenting/baby book you can get your hands on. Then, be prepared to CHUCK that information out the window. You'll come away with a base knowledge of babies and how to care for them, BUT EVERY NEW MOM MUST FIND HER OWN WAY. Every baby is also different. So what if the books say how much they are supposed to eat and how often. If they're hungry, give 'em something to eat. If they're not hungry, they'll stop. I learned that the hard way.

I'm also breaking a major rule that I'm afraid to admit here. Let's just say that baby and mom are finally getting some sleep. That rule was broken when I finally reached my breaking point and couldn't stop crying. My dad gave me some advice that pretty much saved me. He said, "Well, honey, sometimes you just have to trust in the good Lord." That made a lot of sense to me.

So, I'm not following the directions EXACTLY, but I think I'm doing an alright job.

Now, I need to try to get some sleep!! One day at a time, right?

1 comment:

malaprop4 said...

Poor little thing just wants to stay up and see when the party is going to start! You never know when you might break out the Jaeger and start doing shots. He doesn't want to miss a minute!