No, I'm not talking about my period (but that is something that I wasn't anxious to get back after the baby was born!). I'm talking about this horrible cycle I've gotten myself into.
Everyone I've spoken to has given me the same advice: you sleep when baby sleeps. Well, most of the time that's a load of shit. The only time I have to do ANYTHING around here is when he sleeps. It's the same most every day. I get him down for a nap, decide to do a couple of things around the house (wash bottles, put on a load of laundry, check my email...) and then I figure I'll take a nap until he wakes up. Well, when he only stays asleep for thirty minutes then that kind of screws up my plan.
I'm so tired right now. I NEED A NAP!! I finally got him to go to sleep after trying for something like two hours. See, he'll fall asleep as long as I hold him. Once I try to put him down, he wakes right up and he's a crankypants.
We also think that he's teething already. He's still rather young, but all of the symptoms are there. He keeps putting things in his mouth to chew on (including his WHOLE fist), he's drooling all over the place, and he's been sooooooo fussy and cranky the past couple of days. He is also really congested. His poor little nose is stuffed up. We have a doctors appointment on Friday so I'll make sure I tell the doc all of this, too. Getting him to go to sleep at night is murder. The past three nights he has not gone to bed before 11:00pm. Most of those days he hasn't even had a nap. It's been very frustrating for me. Once I get him down at night, I stay up for several more hours because it's the first time I've had to myself. So I'm staying up too late and not having the opportunity to take a nap the next day is killing me!
I start back to work on Monday, so I'm sure some form of normalcy will return. I hope!
But, he's still the cutest baby ever. He's making lots of sounds and smiling alot. There's nothing that makes you feel better than seeing your baby smile at you.
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