November 11, 2008

2:30am Is The New 8:30am

2:30am wasn't pretty before, and it still ain't pretty.

However, I think I've figured out how to get through it. First, I'm scheduled in at 9am, so I kno w I have a few more hours of sleep. Well, three to be exact. It's better than the 45 minutes I would be getting if I had to be there at 7am.

Second, I'm not going to fight him anymore. I gave him his bottle when he woke up, and when he refused to go back to sleep I just laid him on his back in his crib and I laid down in my bed. He just laid there for about 30 minutes. He started getting a little bit fussy, so I got him up, gave him a few more swallows of formula, and now he's back to sleep. So, I'm still up late and I'm still tired as hell, but at least I'm not frustrated and anxious.

I don't know why he's started doing this. This is like the third night in a row this has happened. He's going to bed at the same time, so I just don't get it.

Oh well. I'm not going to think too hard about it. I know that sooner or later he'll get bigger and sleep straight through.

1 comment:

wilfredo said...

totally. it will be up and down for a while, but eventually, it'll all settle down and be normal! :)