Well, let me tell everyone about the DAY I had yesterday. I think I already posted about my last doctors appointment, and how my blood pressure was a little bit high. If I didn't, well, now you know.
Okay. So, I go to my appointment, and I felt like crap. I've had a miserable week. I haven't been able to sleep very well, my hands are hurting like nothing I've ever experienced before, my feet and legs and whole body in general have swelled to gigantic proportions, etc. It's been horrible. Plus, since this was a holiday week I found myself being the only manager at the store for a couple of days, and it was pretty difficult. However, according to my last appointment everything was fine with the baby and all of this was just regular old pregnancysucks pains. Anyways, I see the doctor, and my blood pressure is higher than it was last time (but not at a dangerous level). Just to be sure everything was okay with the baby, he told me he wanted to send me to Labor and Delivery at the hospital to be observed for about an hour. He said they would monitor my blood pressure and the baby's heartbeat and stuff just to be sure.
Then, he did an exam to see if anything was going on. He told me that I hadn't dilated any, but I was at 10% effacement (that's the thinning of the cervex) and that the baby had dropped. This concerned him. He said that it was obvious that something was happening. He told me there was a very good possibility that the baby could come early, like in week 37 or 38. Hello! I'm at week 35! That's only a few weeks away!! Then I started to get nervous. Really nervous.
I am no where NEAR ready to bring a baby home. NO WAY!
Oh, he also pulled me out of work effective immediately, which was a huge relief for me. However, I still had a hospital visit ahead of me, and now I was walking around thinking that I had ZERO time left before the birth.
I get to the hospital, and they hook me up to a fetal monitor and a blood pressure cuff, and I laid there for about an hour. I also had to press this button every time I felt the baby move. It looked like my blood pressure had come down, which was good. The nurse came in to check on me, and when she was looking at the little chart that printing out she asked if I was feeling any pain. I told her no, nothing that I hadn't been feeling for the past week or so (which was what I thought was just regular old pregnancysucks pains, remember), and she informed me that I was having contractions. She said they were very light, but they were happening. See? I knew something was going on!!!! I knew it! She told me they were letting me go home, and I was glad. From what I understand, woman can walk around for days in this sort of "prelabor". I'm not ready to have him just yet, so I hope he holds off for a few more weeks. Although I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore, I'm not quite ready for HIM.
I've also hit that stage where it's hard to do things for myself. Like climb on a chair to put dishes away, or change a high lightbulb. I can hardly pick things up off the floor. Taking Puddy out is mostly a nightmare. But at least I'm done with work, and I can rest up.
The hospital prescribed lots of rest and water, and said I should be okay. But I'll keep an eye out. I know what those feelings are now when I feel them. It's very very weird.
So, little Delyn should turn off his cell phone and return his seat to the upright position, because he has begun his descent into the world!
(And don't you know, this baby will probably be LATE after all of this!!)
1 comment:
No more work....yay! See, being knocked up HAS it's benefits!!! :) :)
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