Last night and tonight it has been sheer murder trying to get him to go to bed at night. As soon as I pick him up he stops crying and almost immediately falls asleep. If I put him down, he

Anyways...Since I've become a new mom, there are a couple of things that I've noticed:
- I am always covered in spit-up. Always.
- I don't seem to mind going out in public covered in the above mentioned spit-up, since I realized in the check-out line at Food Town that I hadn't changed my shirt before leaving.
- I now know more about baby poop than I ever thought I would, and I don't mind talking about it with anyone who will listen or have something to contribute. Baby poop comes in a myriad of colors and smells, and if you don't know that then it will scare the hell out of you the first time your baby poops green stuff.
- Doing laundry is now an every day event.
- There is nothing that smells better than my baby after he's had a bath.
- I always imagine worst case scenario. For instance, right now Delyn is sleeping on a pallet on the floor in front of the TV, and even though that TV is securely in it's cubby, I worry that it will fall over on top of him.
- I'm completely turning into my mother.
He's getting so big! And his face looks like somebody, but I just can't figure it out. It's definitely NOT Winston Churchill though, so that's a good thing!
Well, I think he looks exactly like his dad, but you wouldn't know that since you've never seen him. He's changing so much, and getting bigger and more alert every day. He's starting to develop a personality! I still think he's going to be a serious kid who thinks his mom is a lunatic.
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